Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Progressing well, thank you...

Time to celebrate progress:

  • Yesterday, I ran on the treadmill for 25 minutes straight without stopping. Considering that I could hardly do 10 minutes on that thing when I started, I'd say that's progress.
  • Today, for the first time, I ran the downtown two bridges route without stopping. Total of 4.5Km in 30:08. Next time, I'll break the 30 minute mark.
  • I am gaining confidence in the kitchen. I've told myself "I can't cook" for so long that it was becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. But with my renewed focus on eating right, I'm preparing more of my food from scratch. And as a kid who didn't eat vegetables, boy have I progressed! My favourite veggie dish this past week? Kale, sauteed in olive oil with lots of garlic, red onions and spritzed with lemon juice. Yum.
  • Leaving work at 5pm, it was still light out! Now THAT is progress that I look forward to more of...
  • After almost two months of being annoyed by a twitch in my right eye, I finally went to see my optometrist. Turns out my eyes are "progressing" alright, albeit in the wrong direction! The time has come for progressive lenses - it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I was contemplating these instances of progress over the past few days, when earlier this evening, I read these words from Joan Chittister, describing Lent: "Contrary to conventional wisdom Lent is not a series of behaviors. It is a series of questions that, year after year, is designed to measure our progress on the way to fullness of life."

Indeed, today also marks the beginning of Lent, one of my favourite spiritual seasons. See what I wrote about it last year... or the year before that... I love Lent!

Pace e bene,

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