Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What Love Does...

There's just something about Love...

I spent the weekend with 300 friends and, by the end of it, I was high on Love. I don't mean romantic love, I mean the kind of Love that connects us at levels we rarely pay attention to... the kind of Love that we don't like to talk about because it sounds too "corny" and it makes us squirm... the kind of Love that gives meaning to human interconnectedness... the kind of Love that makes romantic love possible in the first place... the kind of Love that comes without conditions.

I have the pleasure of belonging to a spiritual fellowship that is guided by twelve simple steps. Simple, but not easy. Whenever I spend time in the presence of people who have the courage to follow this way of life, I am replenished by that unconditional Love. There was a time when I didn't really have enough Love to give to those around me - or to myself. I was deeply wounded and had lost touch with unconditional Love. I truly believe that my Friends in Fellowship loved me back to health. This past weekend reminded me of that gift.

A couple of years ago, I was at a 2-day workshop on Leadership. We were asked: "What gift are you withholding?" I still remember my answer: Love. Well on the road to recovery by then, I believed - and still do - that we withhold Love at our peril. This message was reinforced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at his recent public talk. He spoke of the two keys to a truly global citizenship as being the development of a holistic mind and a compassionate heart. To me, this means the development of our interconnectedness and our willingness to Love.

When I remember that my Life overflows with unconditional Love, even the darkest days offer a glimmer of hope...

Love does that.

Pace e bene,

1 comment:

Steve Harper said...

How inspirational! Amazing post as always.

Ripple On!!!
