Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Small word, big meaning...

Trust: small word, big meaning. These words of wisdom were offered to me by John (of no fixed address). Both John & Tim (see previous post) are two of the many teachers God has seen fit to place in my life. But back to the trust thing... This statement lingered with me last evening as I took part in a small group discussion on "Trust in the Workplace". I belong to a group of people who get together every 6 - 8 weeks or so to explore issues related to spiritual awareness in the workplace, or as some people put it - Humanity in the Workplace. The discussion on Trust took us to many unexpected places... from its relevance to the work environment, to its impact on our personal lives. It seems that Trust does indeed have very big meaning.

A reflection on Trust (or lack thereof) is very timely, given the current atmosphere on Parliament Hill. What does it take to restore Trust in an entire institution? Can it be done? I believe Trust exists between individuals, so where does the re-building begin? I'm also wondering why many people are so eager to distrust Belinda Stronach's motives in her surprising decision to "cross the floor" and join the Liberals. What is it that brings one to harshly judge and mistrust someone they don't even personally know?

If you ask me, we don't trust enough. I'm not talking about blind trust here, coloured by naiveté and an inability to acknowledge dangerous situations. I'm simply talking about an ability to trust that people are making the best decisions they can with what they have at any given moment. Who am I to judge them? And in a spiritual sense, I guess I'm talking about a foundational trust that all will be well when I live with awareness and presence, with compassion and Love. Some would call that Faith.

Obviously, there's so much more to Trust... So much meaning for such a small word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you
Turst.. others are doing (deciding, acting, being) the best they can at any given moment... 'others' that means me, too