Thursday, March 06, 2008

Snow Joke...

It's the talk of the town...
It's on the front page of every newspaper...
It's both loved, and by now, reviled...
And it's not finished with us yet!

Yesterday, I finally got the joke - there is nothing else to do but laugh. Thirty-one centimetres of snow in one day, with another storm forecast for this weekend. I decided that I could resist & grumble & begrudge... or I could welcome it with open arms & heart. Either way, it's coming down - and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. So yesterday, I started laughing.

I am a strong believer in seasonal amnesia. I know that May will startle me with her vibrant greens and her blood-red tulips. By August, all this snow will be but a memory, and I will be seeking relief from the scorching sun. September & October will regale me with their dramatic tales of colour. And when that first December snow blankets my world in white, I will rejoice at the beauty before me. This is why I laugh - I laugh at the brilliance of Mother Nature's sense of humour, of her ability to make us forget and re-discover every season as if for the first time.

Pace e bene,

1 comment:

Becks said...

You are absolutely correct - I feel bad for people who live in places with no seasons. And BTW - do I see a picture of spudisland in that collection of seasons? ;) Ah - home! Love the photos!