Friday, April 06, 2007

A story that keeps on telling...

Here we are, sitting in the paradox of Good Friday once again. After meditating this morning, I sat and read the story of Jesus' crucifixion from the Gospel of John. How many times have I heard/read that story?! Yet this time, I was given new clarity surrounding one of its many messages. Here is what I heard: we fear what we do not understand... we reject what we fear... what we reject, we in fact, kill.

As usual, I prayed to be shown the relevance of the message to my life. No answer has come yet; it rarely happens that quickly or conveniently. :-) Although I suspect it has to do with the ever-growing realization of the role fear has played - and continues to play - in my life.

This story begs the questions:
  • What do I fear?
  • What do I reject as a result of that fear?
  • What opportunities or possibilities have I killed as a result of that rejection?
The wisdom contained in the Christian stories never ceases to amaze me. Being raised as a Catholic, my knowledge of spiritual texts is limited to those of my faith tradition. And even that knowledge is not very deep. I can only imagine the wisdom to be found in sacred text from other religions too. Although somehow, I suspect they all point to the same fundamental truth: Love triumphs over fear.

PAX & Love to you this Easter weekend,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should read autobiography of a yogi