Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Gift of self...

If you have a favourite quote, send it to me or leave it in the comments section. I'll pair with an image and offer it as my gift to you...

pace e bene,


Unknown said...

Hi Jo-Anne,

I was inspired by your invitation. Here's my quotation:

"There is a part of us that says
it is never too late to be reborn
on the inbreath each morning."

It's from a poem which I hope you will enjoy.

There is an elemental love
by Stephen Levine

There is an elemental love in the universe
by which name we know each other
and encourage ourselves to live.

There is a silver river that connects everything
from which some part of us never leaves.

ocean meeting shore

There is a mercy making its way
up through the ocean of the earth
to the shores of our feet.

There is a music so sweet it is almost unbearable
that is composed between the ear
and the heart which reminds us.

There is a diamond-glint, a seed of longing
in ourselves that recognizes the potential
absence of gravity in another.

There is part of us that
says it is never too late to be reborn
on the inbreath each morning.

Somewhere there is a basket
that contains all our failures.
It is a big basket. It wants to know
what to do with these.
Mercy has no use for them.

Anonymous said...


I just got lost in your flickr page. WOW! I'm wondering if we could do a little photo tour when you are here? Maybe we can go for a walk and you show me how you make such magic.

I'm wondering if you can use any of this from one of my favourite quotes on yoga.

"Do yoga with no goal but to be in the moment. This breath, this stretch, this wave of emotion rolling in. Watch in crest, and break, the dissipate.
Hold the body like a lover in a close embrace, listening with intimacy, tourching with tenderness.
Yoga is a treshold into mystery; each pose an open doorway and an invitation to unfold.
Sensations rise and fall, and through it all the deathless center radiates the simple truth of union."
Donna Faulds
