Monday, January 23, 2006

Trying to find an answer...

It's hard being a recovering perfectionist... especially when - in my opinion - all is not perfect. Which, of course, is most of the time. I haven't blogged during the last month because I haven't had the energy to write the "perfect" post. It finally dawned on me how ridiculous that is, so here I am.

I've been off work since December 23rd. The cough-that-would-not-end lead me to a naturopath, and to the discover that I was running on empty. I gave myself permission to acknowledge my fatigue and do what I needed to do. I'm back at work tomorrow with a modified work schedule. I'm nervous and afraid of feeling overwhelmed. I'm still not as sharp as I can be. (Witness me putting the paper towels away in the oven earlier today! :-)) And I still tire easily.

One of the unexpected gifts from this past couple of months has been a sense of empowerment in regards to my health. I've been blessed with good health in the past and I haven't had to pay too much attention. That has changed now... and I'm needing to get more involved in my own healthcare. Turns out my GP isn't interested in anything a naturopath has to say. I'm free to go see "those people" if I want, but GP won't comment on anything that comes from them. According to GP, blood tests came back normal, ergo, there must not be anything wrong with me. Keep catching up on my rest. No suggestions from GP for further medical investigation. Grrrr... Disappointment. Anger. Bewilderment.

So, here goes. I know all is not "normal". Time to own my own health. I'm motivated, but overwhelmed at the thought of venturing into this unknown territory. I've always leaned towards a more natural, wholistic approach to life, so we'll see where this journey leads... Wish me luck!


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