Thursday, September 22, 2005

Looking back on 15 years...

Can someone please 'splain to me how we get from September 12 (last post) to September 22 (today) in a blink of an eye?! Yikes... When I first created jag e*space, my hope was to write at least once a week, ideally a couple of times a week and eventually progress to writing a bit every day. Luckily I left the timeline open!

Fifteen years ago today, I was walking around in a blur of white lace & flowers. It was probably around this time of day that Mom stopped me and thrust a ham-on-kaiser sandwich in my hand, in the hope that I wouldn't collapse from hunger as I walked down the aisle.

Through easy times & difficult times, here we are - Hubby & I - still married after 15 years. We're two of the lucky ones... we almost didn't make it here. On our 10th wedding anniversary, we had dinner together but were living apart. In those dark days, a 15-year celebration was far from my mind. But God's plans are much bigger than what my mind can imagine. Through His grace, we were given the courage to give our Life together another chance. Like I said, we're two of the lucky ones! As I look back, here are a just a few of the things I have learned (in random order):
  • the wedding is the easy part; it's the marriage that calls for a daily decision to accept the other as they are (and hope that they do the same!)
  • it's OK if the garbage doesn't go out for another week
  • it's important to have individual interests, but it's essential to carve out time for togetherness
  • let Hubby & his mother be as they are - they'll be just fine
  • when Hubby & Mum-in-law are making dinner in the kitchen, it's best to stay in the living room
  • when you strive to remove obstacles (such as control and judgement), Love really does grow exponentially
  • raising your voice gets in the way of the message, and being silent gets in the way of your Voice
  • some of the best talks are had when walking hand-in-hand
  • we both have the right to make mistakes, and the opportunities to make amends
  • intimacy takes many forms
  • Life doesn't get much better than a Hubby I love, a good book and cup of coffee at Bridgehead Coffeehouse.
Thanks Babe! Life really is good. Here's to us - one day at a time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! Congratulations on your 15 years. It's inspiring.

Steph ;)