Thursday, August 18, 2005

Speaking Truth...

In the last 24 hours, I have had at least two people entrust me with their Truth. One of them spoke of a deep shame carried around for over 30 years; I am truly humbled by her trust in me. The other, although more public with his pain and sadness, continues to inspire me to choose honesty & integrity.

A few days ago, I too shared a deep shame with another and was rewarded with tears of relief. And now that it's out, and I can step back and look at what I'm carrying inside - a nagging sense that I will never be enough just as I am. When accepting a compliment from another, there is often a silent, critical voice that says: ...but if you only knew what a fraud I am, you wouldn't say that. Now that it's been out-ed, I can better see it for what it is: an illusion... an illusion based on unrealistic standards set by no one else but me. And so, the task of simply letting go of that illusion begins. It won't be easy; that false voice has been deeply whispering those un-truths for a long time. But it's time to give way to a stronger Voice.

This reminds me of something I wrote a few years ago, when reflecting on the God of my own understanding...

You are the Voice that whispers;
You are the Voice that roars;
You are the Flame that dances with joy and rage.

A heartfelt thanks to those who have the courage to speak their Truth...

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