Thursday, June 28, 2007

Reframing Fear...

For many years, Fear was a constant companion. Rarely conscious and all-consuming, but ever-present and insidious. I've recently reframed this label I sometimes carry all too willingly and prefer to acknowledge that I simply lack experience and confidence in certain areas. So, instead of saying "I'm afraid of riding my bike with traffic on city streets.", I'll tell myself, "I'm uneasy about riding my bike with traffic on city streets because I'm inexperienced." This frees me from the judgement that accompanies Fear and invites me to go forward and get the experience I need to feel more comfortable.

This is one way I've been working through my fears, bit by bit. I suppose if that doesn't work, I could always try this.


1 comment:

Becks said...

Sweet! Where can I find that board?