Monday, January 29, 2007

Sunday Mornings...

Kudos to Hubby who posted another personal best (PB) at Sunday's Hypothermic Half-marathon! This is his 5th consecutive PB since he decided to take his training to a new level last spring. Way to go, Babe!

It was a c-c-cold morning yesterday, and as Hubby sped along the race course, I spent a luxurious time reading in bed - I haven't done that in eons! I woke up... picked up the book from my nightstand... and began to read. When my tummy started distracting me with its loud gurgles, I went downstairs, made breakfast, brought it up to bed and had breakfast in bed (!), reading all-the-while. I didn't stop until I finished the book, approximately three hours later. What a great way to spend the morning!!

By the way, the book was delightful. I laughed... I cried... I totally escaped... what more could I ask for?!

And yes, some may think that I am somewhat of a cad for not going out to support Hubby in his race. But good sense won the day. It's one thing to run in -20C (insane, yes :-)), but at least the body is moving. It's quite another to just stand there for a couple of hours, stomping your feet to check if they're still attached to your ankles. I love my husband. I support him and applaud his achievements, but I'm not crazy!! :-)


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